As an experienced web developer, I create websites using a wide range of tools, libraries, frameworks, and techniques. At its core, front-end development boils down to 3 primary web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

I strive to write semantic, accessible HTML; clean, responsive CSS; and compact, cross-browser compatible JavaScript.

Logos for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

I've helped organizations as small as sole proprietors and as large as foundations, universities, and global corporations bring their websites to life.

Most websites are built using some kind of CMS. I work with WordPress extensively along with Joomla, Drupal, Wix, Squarespace, BigCommerce, and many other smaller CMS names. I can help you revise or renew your website's appearance, manage contact forms, implement SEO and e-commerce, and create custom functionality.

I have done API development work with all of the major social media platforms, and I continue to assess and evaluate new frameworks and tools as they emerge on the scene.

Although many of the projects I work on are proprietary in nature, or my work is behind the scenes, I’m happy to share examples of specific services. Please contact me to begin exploring ways can collaborate.

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Fast 🚀
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Accessible accessibility icon
Websites 🌐

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